Sunday, October 30, 2011

3 Pictures of Skill Developers That Made Their School's Team Last Week and 17 More Pictures from Training on Oct 30, 2011.

The Middle and High Schoolers That Made Their Teams, Congrats.
The 12 and Younger Ballers that Made Their Teams, Congrats.
The Lady Warriors from Kipp Academy, Congrats.

More than 50 student athletes attended Skills Development training on Sunday, October 30, 2011. The Camp is going into its "Seventh" season and is the "premiere" camp in Metro Atlanta.
Just ask the past and present participants.
Go Select.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Made Their HS Basketball Team - Congratulations.

Six members of the Mighty 2011 Atlanta Select SILVER team coached by Coach Clyde Copeland made their High School's basketball team.
Bakari Copeland - Shooting Guard - Arabia Mountain HS
Brandon Jones - Shooting Guard - Arabia Mountain HS
Bryson Jones - Center _ Arabia Mountain HS
Chris loth - Small Forward - Arabia Mountain HS

Lester "Trey" Archambeau - Power Forward - Chattahhchee HS

Bryan Baptiste
Point Guard
Arabia Mountain HS
(Not Pictured)

Atlanta Select is extremely proud of these young men for reaching their goal to play a primary part on their high school basketball team this Fall and Winter. Thanks to Coach Copeland, Coach Archambeau and Coach Shelby for their hard work and guidance last Summer as they lead these young men to a very successfull and fun AAU season.

Go Select!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

15 Pictures from Skills Development Camp, Sunday, October 16, 2011

Student athletes in the second session that made all "A" or "B" on their progress reports.
Just a note both players are taking advance or AP classes.
Offense - Defense.
Coach Powell and Coarch Norman teaching offensive tactics.
Coach Lanier teaching defensive skills - blocking out.
 A race down court.
Student athletes at the first session that made all "A" or "B" on their progress reports.
Atlanta Hawks coach conducting warm -up training for the second session.

Atlanta Hawks' Strength and Conditioning coach speaks.
A "Life Skills" session on education.
Coach B recognizing student athlete that made all "A" on his progress report.
Getting in the proper stance.
Balancing act.

Cach Ameer and Coach AC supervising training.

Coach B conducting footwork drill, Coach Harris conducting ball handling drill.
Coach B conducting warm-up drill.
Student athletes that bring in their progress report that shows all "A" earn at least $5.00, "A" and "B" some money also.  If you gring in your progress report you will be recognized and may earn something. Be discipline and follow instructions.

Atlanta Select would like to thank The Atlanta Hawks Strength and Conditioning coach, Coach Chattin Hill, for his support during training this weekend. Can not wait to see what is in store for next Sunday's training. Thanks all for their support.
Go Select!