Friday, February 24, 2012

Atlanta Select 2012 Coaches and Teams

Unsigned Seniors (Twelfth Grade) - The Lady Select SILVER Team

Unsigned Seniors (12th Grade) Lady Select SILVER, Head Coach Hollaway, (678) 616-6367), email:


Twelfth Grade (18U) - The SILVER Team

Twelfth Grade (18U) - The SILVER Team, Head Coach Payton, (770) 866-4418, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The RED Team

Eleventh Grade (17U) - The RED Team, Head Coach Mason, (770) 860-4855, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The PLATINUM Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) - The PLATINUM Team, Head Coach Foster, (404) 314-4707, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The BLACK Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) - The BLACK Team, Head Coach Walker, (404) 597-7446, email:

Coach Gary McDaniel, Assistant Coach - The BLACK Team.


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The PRIME Team

Eleventh Grade (17U) The PRIME Team, Head Coach Hall, (404) 449-4364, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The WHITE Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) The WHITE Team, Head Coach Lanier, (404) 579-1410, email:
Coach W. Hall, Assistant Coach - The WHITE Team


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The DIAMOND Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) The DIAMOND Team, Head Coach Brown, (678) 860-5239, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The MIDNIGHT Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) The MIDNIGHT Team, Head Coach Gates, (404) 702-3171, email:
Champs, Georgia Tar Heels tournament. Mar 18 2012.


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The GRAND Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) The GRAND Team, Head Coach Spearman, (678) 646-4446, email:


Eleventh Grade (17U) - The CLASSIC Team
Eleventh Grade (17U) The CLASSIC Team, Head Coach Williams, (678) 300-4152, email:


Tenth Grade (16U) - The Lady Select RED Team
Tenth Grade (16U) The Lady Select RED Team, Head Coach McCrae, (678) 437-7348. email:
Coach McCadney, Assistant Coach - The Lady Select RED Team


Tenth Grade (16U) - The CLASSIC Team
Tenth Grade (16U) The CLASSIC Team, Head Coach Hill, (678) 521-4232, email:

Runner up, West Georgia tournament, Mar 18, 2012.


Tenth Grade (16U) - The RED Team
Tenth Grade (16U) The RED Team, Head Coach Burton, (678) 823-5770, email:


Tenth Grade (16U) - The DIAMOND Team
Tenth Grade (16U) The DIAMOND Team, Head Coach Brown, (678) 860-5239, email:


Tenth Grade (16U) - The BLACK Team
Tenth Grade (16U) The BLACK Team, Head Coach Penny, (678) 458-5025, email:
Coach Watson, Assistant Coach, The BLACK Team
Coach K. Penny, Assistant Coach - The BLACK Team

Coach Word, Assistant Coach - The BLACK Team

Tenth Grade (16U) - The Lady Select DIAMOND Team
Tenth Grade (16U) Lady Select DIAMOND Team, Head Coach Hollins, (678) 978-2760, email:


Ninth Grade (15U) - The BLACK 8732 Team
Ninth Grade (15U) The BLACK 8732 Team, Head Coach Stewart, (404) 957-6881, email:
Coach Gates, Assistant Coach - The BLACK 8732 Team.

President Weekend Champs, Jan 2012

MLK,Jr Tournament Runner -ups, Jan 2012

Georgia Tarheels Peach State Classic - Runner up.

Georgia Tar Heels - Champions, March 18, 2012


Ninth Grade (15) - The WHITE Team

Ninth Grade (15U) The WHITE Team, Head Coach Franklin, (678) 608-5257, email:


Ninth Grade (15U) - The Lady Select BLACK Team
Ninth Grade (15U) Lady Select BLACK Team, Head Coach Kelly, (404) 797-2653, email:


Ninth Grade (15U) - The GRAND Team
Ninth Grade (15U) The GRAND Team, Head Coach White, (404) 901-7270, email:
Coach Johnson, Assistant Coach - The GRAND Team.


Ninth Grade (15U) - The CLASSIC Team
Ninth Grade (15U) The CLASSIC Team, Head Coach Butler, (770) 298-7959, email:


Ninth Grade (15U) - The Lady Select RED Team
Ninth Grade (15U) Lady Select RED Team, Head Coach Morgan, (404)993-4893, email:


Ninth Grade (15U) - The SILVER Team
Ninth Grade (15U) The SILVER Team, Head Coach Powell, (678) 428-6041, email:
Coach Salley, Assistant Coach, - The SILVER Team

Coach Freeman, Assistant Coach, - The SILVER Team

Ninth Grade (15U) - The PRIME Team
Ninth Grade (15U) The PRIME Team, Head Coach Hall, (404) 449-4364, email:

Runner - Up, YBOA Duluth Shootout, Mar 2012.


Tenth Grade (16U) - The Lady Select SILVER Team
Tenth Grade (16U) Lady Select SILVER Team, Head Coach Hollaway, (678) 616-6367, email:

Champs, Tarheel tournament, Mar 18, 2012.


Eighth Grade (14U) - The BLACK - East & West Teams
Eighth Grade (14U) The BLACK Teams, East & West, Head Coach Aziz, (626) 808-3701, email:


Eighth Grade (14U) - The SILVER Team
Eighth Grade (14U) The SILVER Team, Head Coach Carpenter, (404) 210-9935, email:

Coach Gibson, Assistant Coach - The SILVER Team

Coach Frazier, Assistant Coach - The SILVER Team

Earned first trophy of the season Christmas tournament 2011. Only 5 players. Asst Coach Frazier coaching the team.

USSSA Rise Up Invitational - Runner Up.

Runner -up Hiram,Ga tournament. No picture.


Seventh Grade (13U) - The Lady Select RED Team
Seventh Grade (13U) Lady Select RED Team, Head Coach McCrae, (678) 437-7348, email:
Coach McCadney, Assistant Coach - The Lady Select RED Ream


Seventh Grade (13U) - The RED Team

Seventh Grade (13U) The RED Team, Head Coach Jones, (678)773-9335, email:


Seventh Grade (13U) - The SILVER Team
Seventh Grade (13U) The SILVER Team, Head Coach Baskerville, (404) 554-7405, email:
Coach Hill, Assistant Coach, The SILVER Team


Sixth Grade (12U) - The BLACK Team
Sixth Grade (12U) The BLACK Team, Head Coach Ufot, (404) 749-8749, email:


Sixth Grade (12U) - The SILVER Team
Sixth Grade (12U) SILVER Team, Head Coach Baskerville, (404) 554-7405. email:
Coach Christopher, Assistant Coach - The SILVER Team


Fifth Grade (11U) Lady Select BLACK Team
Fifth Grade (11U) Lady Select BLACK, Head Coach Kelly, (404)797-2653, email:


Fifth Grade (11U) - The RED Team
Fifth Grade (11U) The RED Team, Head Coach Johnson, (678) 670-4859, email:


Fifth Grade (11U) - The SILVER Team
Fifth Grade (11U) Lady Select SILVER Team, Head Coach Wilson, (404) 374-1374, email:

Coach Bolden, Assistant Coach - The SILVER Team


Fourth Grade (10U) - The Lady Select RED Team
Fourth Grade (10U) Lady Select RED Team, Head Coach Neiger, (404) 401-2970, email:


Fourth Grade (10U) - The SILVER Team
Fourth Grade (10U) The SILVER Team, Head Coach Frazier, (678) 517-0120, email:

Champions, in their first tournamentm March 18, 2912.

For information about Atlanta Select Coaches or Teams or about opportunities to join the Atlanta Select coaching staff as a Head Coach or Assistant feel free to contact Coach Zeigler at (770) 808-4444, email: