On Sunday, September 7, at 2 PM, the Select Nation will begin its 10th Year of Skills Development Training. Proven to be one of the best program in the metro area, still at only $10.00 per session. Take a look at some of our training over the years.
The camp is supervised and directed by the Select Nation Executive Group, Coach Hill (CEO), Coach Zeigler (COO) and Coach Baskerville (DCEO). Each Sunday you will see these individuals guiding the training.
But it is the Cadre of Select coaches, working together (SYNERGY),
that makes the action happens.
Boys and girls from 8 to 18 years old are invited to participate.
Session 1 on Sundays for ages 12 and below begins at 2 PM.
Session 2 on Sundays for ages 13 and above begins at 4 PM.
However, if the younger group can hang, then they can attend both sessions for 4 hours, still at the cost of $10 total ( Gym rental fee).
We work on basic and advanced basketball skills.
We have several stations operating at the same time.
We started our camp back in the Fall of 2005 at MLK, Jr. Recreational Center. (2005 - 8)
The Atlanta Select opened the 2008-9 Skills Development Training on Sunday, September 7, 2008. Over 50 student athletes from 35 different schools were in attendance. The top picture shows student athletes 13 and over while the bottom two pictures display the 12 and under players going through drills. The purpose of the training is to prepare young players for their fall basketball program, their next season's AAU/YBOA/USBA/BCI/NAYBA basketball program or just for personal development.The training will be held every Sunday through January 25, 2009. Boys and girls from ages 8 through 18 are welcome to attend.
We also had training at Coan Middle School in 2008.Skills Development Training, Sunday, Sept 6, 2009
Atlanta Select began the Fall Skills Development Training on Sunday, September 6, 2009. There were over 40 student athletes participating at the two locations, Butler Street YMCA and Carver Bible College. The participants went through a series of basketball drills and ended with a "Life Skills" session on health, education and responsibilities.
Skills Development Training in 2010
Atlanta Select began its Fall Skills Development training sessions on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at Cameron Academy. Training for ages 8 - 12 was conducted from 2 - 4 PM and training for ages 13 - 18 was conducted from 4 - 6 PM. Student Athletes as far away as Macon, Georgia were in attendance. You are invited to view a photo album of the training on our "Facebook" link.
It is recognized that many talented basketball players lack the knowledge of basic and/or advanced basketball skills. Thus, they fail to make the team that they desire or find themselves making numerous mistakes as a team player. The Atlanta Select Skills Development program is designed to make the talented player a more skilled and dynamic force, prepared to make their team. The overall purpose for the training is to thoroughly prepare basketball players in the skills needed for their high school, middle school or recreational teams and for their Spring AAU/YBOA/Invitational basketball leagues.
The groups were given warm up exercises, practiced ball handling skills to counter close in defense, right, left and center lay up drills, close in shooting skills, pressured defense and aggressive rebounding skills. Each Sunday new and advanced techniques will be taught. A cadre of ten Atlanta Select coaches assisted in the training.
Coach Tony Hill, Atlanta Select CEO, conducted Life Skills sessions for both groups, highlighting the need for physical and mental health, the need to study and work hard in school, to practice their basketball skills every day and to watch their conduct at all times. He provided the group with a motto for the training.
Coach George Zeigler, Atlanta Select COO, highlighted the need for not only obtaining good grades but the need to strive for excellent grades in all their classes at school. He recognized Isaiah Thomas, 8th grade student from Chestnut Log Middle School in Douglasville, Georgia for maintaining a straight "A" average for the first 4 weeks of school.
Student Athletes (boys and girls)from all over the Atlanta Metropolitan area are invited to attend. Interested persons may download an application from the Atlanta Select web site's home page (www.atlselect.com) or just show up at the sessions. The training at Cameron Academy is in walking distance (only one block) from the Lakewood/Fort MacPherson MARTA station. The Fall sessions have had a great start. Go Select.
Next was a gym at a closed private school near Fort McPherson for a few sessions in 2010.
Since September 2011 training has been conducted at Price Middle School.
We recognize student athlete at each session that excel in the classroom.
Yes, we often give money to the student athletes that bring in their progress reports with all "A".
Student athletes are required to discuss their knowledge of the game.
And we end each session with a Life Skills session given by a guest speaker or coach.
We invite you out to attend our Skills Development Training.
See you on Sundays. Just Go Select!!!