Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Summary of the 2015, "Tenth Anniversary" Coaches Meeting

The Atlanta Select Basketball Association, " The Select Nation", 
held its annual coaches meeting on December 12, 2015. 
This meeting also served as the 10th Anniversary Celebration meeting. 

All Select Head and Assistant coaches, plus their Team Parent Coordinators, 
were invited to attend.

Attendees signed the 2016 Coach's File and were issued 2016 ID tags.

After the Call to Order 
The attendees were divided into six groups and given a basketball history quiz.

One question was - How far can a hound dog run into the woods?

The group that scored the highest were allowed to have refreshments throughout the meeting, while the others had to wait to halftime.
The group with Coach Baskerville, won, and was allowed to feast on 
gourmet popcorn and high priced ginger ale.

The purpose of the quiz was to forge group dynamics based on our in concept of 

Coach Z issued each attendee a folder that included a "Talking Paper", official Atlanta Select/AAU documents, flyers with uniform and accessories information from recommended vendors, basketball coupons and coaching and fundraising ideas.

Then Coach Z thanked each head coach and presented each one 
with an official picture of his/her team.

Coach Mandeldove and his 
Mighty 8U Lady Select BLACK Future and 9U Lady Select BLACK Diamond
Coach Venson was presented a picture from his team from 2014
Coach Lawson and his Mighty 12u RED Team
Coach Woods and his Mighty 13U COLLEGE Bound Team
Coach Jackson and his Mighty 8U SOUTH SIDE Team
Coach Burton and his Mighty 15U RED Team
Coach Ricker and his Mighty 16U CLASSIC Team
Coach Ricker presented an initiative to the group as the organization is planning to expand into additional sports.

Coaches Elston & Keown and their Mighty 11U BLACK 2022 Team
Team Parent Coordinators accepted awards on behalf of their coaches who had approved  absences.
Coaches Chan Scott and Tabb

Coach Ferrell and his Mighty 16U RED Elite Team
Coach McCadney and his Mighty 13U Lady Select RED Team
Coach Hall and his Mighty 14U PRIME Team
Then trophies were presented to coaches that achieved special recognition for outstanding performances during the year.
Coach Frazier and his Mighty 13U SILVER Team
Coach Ferrell and his Mighty 16U RED Elite Team
Coach Mandeldove and his Mighty 8U & 9U BLACK FUTURE/DIAMOND Teams
Coach McCrae and his Mighty 13U Lady Select RED Team

************** The 2015 Coaches of the Year
The Mighty Atlanta Select SYNERGY Head Coaches
Coach G Stewart and Coach J Baskerville.
The Mighty 9U SYNERGY Select team
At halftime the first group picture was taken. Each coach was directed to wear a Select t-shirt or polo shirt that represented the history of the Select Nation.

Then refreshments were given to all.

Hot donuts, coffee, chips, energy bars and water.

*********** The second half of the meeting began with each attendee given a grab bag filled with unknown and varied contents. 
Each attendee had to keep what was in their bag or trade, sell or give away.
All kinds of good stuff

All smiles

Throwback uniforms from 2007

This first bag was a gag bag with valuable contents in some. 
But it was time to give away the 10th anniversary bag in celebration of our 10th anniversary.

But first, each attendee in good standing was given a red whistle. 
This whistle gave them permission to grab the anniversary bag.

The 10th anniversary was filled with a canteen, 2016 calendar, planner, white board, towel, pens, and the official 10th anniversary t-shirt plus some other items.
The calendar is also a fundraiser, $10 each with 40% going to the seller, 
Hey $4.00 per calendar.
And posters are also included in the fundraiser, same price.

Our DIAMOND Anniversary - 10 Diamonds surround the official 2015 logo on the 
official 2016 coaches t-shirt.

What is that shirt in the picture? OK, it's the first shooting shirt from 2006. It was in a 
grab bag. 

What's in the box?

An additional red 10th anniversary t-shirt was available for sale.

Then it was time for all to don the official t-shirt and take the annual picture.

The meeting adjourned on time but the coaches continued to fellowship and forged SYNERGY.

Coaches that had excused absences were given their stuff later.
Coach and Mrs. Johnson of the Mighty 14U COLLEGE Bound.

In summary, The annual Select Nation meeting is classified as a "LIP, CHIP, SIP' event.
We talk, eat chips and sip on water, the perfect environment to forge 

We are ready for 2016.

Just Go Select!!!
